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The Full Story

Image by Linus Nylund. Ripples in the water.

Once ​you become aware, you become responsible.

In light of the critical conversations being held across the country, we have adjusted our work to focus primarily on supporting communities to dismantle structural racism. We provide a variety of options for people to work through dismantling structural racism within your company. Through one-on-one coaching, planning skills, fundraising practice and planning, and self-reflection, and mindfulness work we prepare people to undertake significant social change. Our work is practical, cost-effective, and as of November of 2020, all of our work can be done virtually. 

All of our online courses are facilitated by retired executives and practitioners of community-based work. Check out our services page to learn more. 

Mission: Inspire and support the development and implementation of authentic and personalized change management using an open education framework. 

Vision: We will be the premier consulting firm in the country for nonprofit change and leadership management using an open education framework. logo update.png

2022 StrataG, LLC All Rights Reserved

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